Our Core Values

For the 46 years Caribbean Food Delights (CFD) has been established, we have cultivated a great company culture. For the first time we have written down the core values CFD embodies. 

  1. Positive Attitude: "A good attitude gets you far in life." Mr. HoSang's number one motto. If there was one core value that you could embody, this is the most important value to have. We give an award every year for the employee with the most positive attitude.
  2. Hard Work: Mr. HoSang would always say, “Don’t be afraid of hard work. Hard work didn’t killed me.” This is what sets us apart from everyone else. Losers are lazy, winners put in the work to win.
  3. Respect: Respect for yourself and your team members. We are all on the same team to do what's in the best interest of CFD.
  4. High Quality: Quality is Our Priority.® Mr. HoSang trademarked this motto. High Quality in your performance, your dedication, and your leadership will ultimately produce a high-quality product and company culture.
  5. Commitment: Your commitment and loyalty to yourself shows up in every place in your life. This is your discipline. This is how your control your life. This is what you stand for. Discipline equals freedom. You are free to be here and if your heart is not in it, you don’t have to be here.
  6. Be Humble. Being humble is your ability to receive and reflect. This is how we learn and grow. Whether it is compliments, positive feedback or how to improve and be better. This is how we level up as an individual and a team.
  7. Personal Excellence: Mind, body and soul. Do your part to take care of yourself. Educate and invest in you. We are always happy to invest in you as far as training and giving you the tools to succeed, but it’s up to you to want to be better and to implement them.  At CFD we also have wellness programs, training on several topics, and a gym so you can be at your best.
  8. Innovative: Be creative and have fun. When we are committed to high quality standards we will find a way to achieve incredible results and solve problems.
  9. Service. Help yourself and each other so we can work as a team and uplift our community. This is how we give back.

We have high standards in this company. This company is in its second generation. Mr. HoSang and Mrs. HoSang have only left a strong foundation to build upon. With these core values: A positive attitude, hard work, respect, high-quality, commitment, be humble, personal excellence, innovative, and service we can take this company to the next level and we want you to be there with us.


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